TUNE in on April 4, 2017 3-4pm Mountain Time
to access a LIVE video feed from Intermountain Healthcare
Marc Harrison, MD, Intermountain Healthcare's President and CEO, will provide a high-level overview of the role and focus of Intermountain, its economic impact in Utah, recent medical advancements, and Intermountain's global vision for the future of healthcare.
To preserve the capacity of our Intermountain network for patient care, approximately 1 hour before the broadcast, links will be visible on this page to watch the video stream.
One link for INTERNAL connections (i.e. you are on an Intermountain Device AND on the Intermountain Network). Another link for EXTERNAL connections.
We respectfully ask INTERNAL connections be limited to the invited Senior Leadership group and those specifically asked by communications to assist in a large group setting.
If you can successfully view the Utah Valley Replacement Project cameras (at right), then you should be able to view the Apr 4th LIVE Broadcast.
Use the following link https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html to make sure your Flash player is working. Intermountain Employees should inquire of computer support if you need help updating the Flash player.
INTERNAL (Intermountain Device AND on the Intermountain Network)
THEN click on the Intermountain Healthcare - LIVE Channel in the playlist
EXTERNAL (All other Devices AND Internet Connections)
View the LIVE construction cameras for the Utah Valley Hospital Replacement project.