measuring up

Participants were selected by Utah Valley Heart & Vascular Services personnel and receive the following free services during the Challenge:

  • Pre- and post-screenings
  • A 12-week nutrition course taught by a registered dietitian
  • Personalized exercise plan & weekly sessions with a fitness coach
  • Free membership to Utah Valley Wellness Center
  • Heart health educational information
  • Weekly progress checks

The pair that makes the most improvements in the screening categories is declared the winner of the Heart Challenge and receives great prizes.

May the best competitor win.

the challenge

The 100-Day Heart Challenge is a 100-day competition to see which contestant can make the most improvements in the factors that contribute to heart disease – cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose, triglycerides, weight, waist circumference and body fat.

Ten women, aged 30 or above, are selected for this challenge. Each woman selects a partner (male or female), also above the age of 30, to do the competition with her.