watch and learn

Each week, throughout the 100-Day Heart Challenge, we will release a new Healthy Heart Tips video. These short, fun and informative videos will demonstrate simple ways you can improve your heart health.

Besides being a great way to learn, you can also win great prizes through our weekly giveaways. All it takes is watching, doing and posting your progress on social media. Learn more »


Week 7: Are You At Risk for Diabetes?


Week 5: Exercising with Your Fitness Ball


Week 3: Track Your Exercise and What You Eat


Week 1: 5 Ways to Jump Start Your Exercise


Week 9: The Truth About Sports Drinks


Week 8: Be Smart About Concussions



Week 6: Be Wary of Fad Diets


Week 4: The Best Stretching For Your Workout


Week 2: Aim for Your Target Heart Rate